Get your business found online.

Ready to Have Your Website Bringing You Clients?

What would it look like attract hot leads without the daily social media content slog?

It's time to get found on Google so leads find you
even when you don't post daily.

Say goodbye to content dying after 48 hours
and hello to your blog bringing in hot leads on auto pilot - daily.

Content should work for you - not the other way around.

You didn't get into business to be a content machine for social media.

You'd rather focus on helping clients and not feel like you're spending ½ your day on marketing that won't last the week.

It's time to invest in the long term content that will bring leads daily.

Or..... you can stick to the daily grind - posting on social and hoping the right people see it.

Why is your mental energy being spent on what content to create next instead of how to serve your clients best?

So what do you Actually need?

A strategy to help Google become your BFF, serving your website up to hot leads every single day with out Lead Boost SEO Strategy Plan.

Check out the behind the scenes video below to see what is included and how this SEO strategy plan will bring in more hot leads to your business!

Once I made Google my BFF in my business...

  • I got hot leads in my inbox daily

  • People already knew they liked and trusted me, and was ready to hire before I even pitched

  • I could take a break from social media, and it didn't affect my monthly income.

  • I had evergreen content that was easy to turn into

    • social posts

    • monthly emails

    • extended email sequences (so if I took a break from emails, the leads didn't notice either!)

  • I could slow down on my content creation --- and the leads were still showing up.

Introducing a SEO backed Content Strategy Plan that makes your

content attract leads for years... not hours

Testimonial for Lead Boost SEO Strategy Plan from Nivia Lopez

Nivia Lopez

Launch strategist

Becca's SEO strategy plan is exactly what I needed to get me started.”

Becca is a lifesaver! She created an SEO strategy that I can use to be strategic about blogging with the purpose of ranking in Google. Blogging has been one of those things I keep putting off because I know I need to be strategic about it and Becca's strategy is exactly what I needed to get me started. She even took the time to walk me through the spreadsheet and explain exactly how I should be planning my content based on key word research that is already populated on this spreadsheet. Amazing! Thank you Becca!

Testimonial for Lead Boost SEO Strategy Plan from Crystal Sylvas

Crystal Sylvas

Designer + Tech wizard

"She put together a killer personalized SEO strategy plan in Google for my new business venture and it surpassed all expectations."

Becca is absolutely BRILLIANT! She put together a killer personalized SEO strategy in Google for my new business venture and it surpassed all expectations. Despite being a Marketer myself with Degrees in marketing content marketing has always been a struggle. But with very little input on my end (just the basic, what my business is etc) she put together a fantastic SEO strategy for me to start ranking in Google. Now I've got not only keywords, but a schedule for getting the content out in a manageable way. Plus she included a video walkthrough making it so easy to understand and be able to fit in reviewing and strategizing into my busy day without playing calendar tag. If you need SEO Strategy in Google, Becca is your gal, hands down. Don't sleep on reaching out to her.

Working on our Lead Boost SEO Strategy Plan

Lead Boost SEO Strategy Plan

So you can start making Google Your bff - in 12 weeks time.

First step:

After ordering your Lead Boost SEO Strategy plan, fill out the quick detail sheet to give Becca the details of your niche, services and what you think you want to rank for.

Second step:

Becca dives deep into the land of SEO keywords and builds a strategy of the keywords you want, the keywords you didn't even know you wanted, and the exact topics of you next 12+ blog posts

Third step:

Once delivered, your spreadsheet and loom video to walk you through exactly how to choose the next 12 blog posts... which will start to woo Google into being your BFF.

Fourth step:

Use your strategy to build you next 12 posts... and start finally showing up on Google, bringing hot leads to your site daily.

How to use the Lead Boost SEO Strategy Plan

Never Wonder "What Should I Say" Again?

Who Will Benefit from Having Google as a BFF?

SEO Content Strategy plan to get your website ranked by Google - gaphic
SEO Content Strategy plan to get your website ranked by Google - gaphic
SEO Content Strategy plan to get your website ranked by Google - gaphic


Service pros


digital product folks



Willow Sons

Design Boss

"It positively blew me away and I was so thrilled with it, I've recommended it to my clients and friends."

I had a SEO Strategy Consult done and absolutely could not believe the results! It positively blew me away and I was so thrilled with it, I've recommended it to my clients and friends. Anytime I need anything SEO Strategy Rebecca Ellison Creative will be my first and only call. I would give this 10 stars if I could and I highly recommend it for every business!

Jess Scotten

Kartra Expert

"This is genuinely going to revolutionize my business."

In one weeks time I went from having no SEO and blogging plan to having a fully researched blogging plan that will serve my business for years to come. Becca's Lead Boost SEO Strategy Plan is incredible. I just watched her customized training to pair with the spreadsheet she built for me it, I'm absolutely amazed by what she's been able to set me up with. This is genuinely going to revolutionize my business. Blogging has always been kind of overwhelming for me, and somewhat of an afterthought, but you've managed to make it so simple and straightforward. Now, I feel confident enough to start implementing everything today. My plan for this weekend is to map out 12 weeks worth of blogs. With Becca's strategies and insights, I know my blog will finally show up on that coveted first page. Thank you so much for providing such valuable insights and tools. You've made me a true believer in the power of blogging for business growth!

Lead Boost SEO Strategy Plan

A SEO plan to fill your blog strategy calendar with the goal of helping you build your expertise and let Google know exactly who to serve your business up to.

While we focus on getting your next 12 blog posts written, the plan will give you 100s of content ideas that will work for blog and social content, as it's exactly what your customers want to know from you!

With this plan, you will have a plan and schedule that is SEO keyword backed to create content that will continue helping your business be found online for years.

Whats better?

Creating content with a shelf life of 48 hours

or 4-8 years?

  • Custom Strategy Plan Built for YOU

  • Loom walkthrough to understand how to use the plan

  • Delivered and ready in 7 business days.

only $197

Can you imagine having the plan for getting hot leads daily for less than the cost of a Starbucks for a month?

Grab Your Lead Boost

SEO Strategy Plan Now

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About Rebecca Ellison Creative:

99% of up-and-coming online businesses

get caught in this familiar trap...

  • They jump on the social media content creation hamster wheel hoping fore leads and feel shackled to content creation, because if they stop, so do the leads

  • They neglect Google and SEO because it's "too complicated"

The entire world seems to think that social media is the only way to market in 2023. But when you look at only 2% of your followers see your content on any social platform, while Google is showing results for specific queries at the rate of 99,000 searches per SECOND... maybe showing up on Google should be a priority?

Becca built her business and got listed as the top search result for Seattle brand photographer as well as brand coach, for years and then helped clients do the same - all through creating strategic blog content using the exact strategy in this Lead Boost SEO Strategy Plan.

The question is not if it will work, but if you are ready to have your content actually working for you, instead of you working for your content.

Becca Ellison

Founded in 2005


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